“We are in the business of making our products viable for our customers at various levels. By belonging to the Kam Holding brands, you're putting yourself on the path of secured investment and economic prosperity.”

Quality Policy

We embrace the duty of establishing new standards for quality as the leaders of our sector. Not only do we constantly raise the bar for ourselves, but also for the entire industry.

Kam Steel Integrated Company Limited is committed to producing reinforcement steel and wire rods that meet customer requirement while conforming to national and international standards. We shall achieve this by; continually improving our products; constantly reviewing our processes, developing employee skills and their contribution through effective training.


Education sector – Share in the enterprise story in Kwara State University. Contribution towards welfare of the university like awards and scholarships to deserving students.

Infrastructure sector – building and maintenance of roads in quarry to support industrial development in the remote areas, which in turn has generated employment opportunities. With the permission of supervising authorities, the group has used its resources to patch up bad portions of the highway to eliminate bottlenecks.


Environment sector - We in KAM Holding have taken all the initiatives and preventive measures for environment conservation. Factories are now equipped with systems to first clean the air before it gets released to the atmosphere and also promote greenery to safeguard our planet.


The Group “MADE IN NIGERIA POLICY” has contributed to Nigeria’s Industrialization and economic growth. This has generated a lot of employment opportunities and thus boosted income generation to achieve the social development goals of No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Good Health & well-being, Quality Education, etc.

Our Certification

We take pleasure in maintaining the highest levels of performance, safety, and quality. Our certificates demonstrate our steadfast adherence to certifications and accreditations that attest to our commitment to industry best practices and client satisfaction.

High End UK Cares Product CertificationProcess and Product CertificationProcess and Product Certification

Award Certification

Numerous awards and certificates that we have received throughout the years confirm our position as market leaders. These esteemed honors attest to our dedication to innovation, excellence, and client satisfaction.

Member of the Niger Award (M.O.N)


Lifetime Achievement Award


MAN Appreciation Award


Nigerian Mining and Geosciences Society Award


MAN Award of Excellence


Irawo Oni (Today’s Star) Award


Bank of Industry Recognition Award


Multiple awards from National Defence College
